Bonfireextract from workEditor : Alain RoukozDirected by Nadim Hobeika
Un Chien à Beyrouthextract from workEditor : Alain RoukozDirected by Jean Nassif
With Thy Spiritextract from workEditor : Alain Roukoz & Farah ChayaDirected by Karim Rahbani
Interview with Wake IslandEditing : Alain RoukozClient : Keeward
Interview with David Hury / The Beirut BookVideo and Editing : Alain RoukozClient : Tamyras
Waynick - CarolinaImage : Alain Roukoz & Muriele HoneinDirected by Muriele Honein
RootsDirected and edited by Alain Roukoz
How to Make Lebanese TabboulehImage : Alain RoukozDirected by Paul Awaraji
MemorialImage : Alain RoukozDirected by Clara Kossaifi
PC Party - Paparazzi and CelebritiesVideo and Editing : Alain RoukozClient : PC Party
Teaser - PC party - Alice in WonderlandEditing : Alain RoukozClient : PC Party
Teaser - PC party - NYE 2013Editing : Alain RoukozClient : PC Party
WINTErWith Kenza BarchShot and edited on iPhone
SummerWith Rachel HarveyShot and edited on iPhone
Sunset on an empty 767Shot and edited on iPhone